August 6–9, 2020 | One of the World's Largest and Oldest Hacker Conventions Goes Virtual
Held annually in Las Vegas, Nevada, today many attendees at DEF CON include computer security professionals, journalists, lawyers, federal government employees, security researchers, students, and hackers with a general interest in software, computer architecture, hardware modification, conference badges, and anything else that can be "hacked."
For the health and safety of the community, the decision has been made to put DEF CON 28 into “safe-mode with networking”.
The DEF CON in-person conference scheduled August 6-9, 2020 has been canceled.
Even though the in-person Las Vegas event is canceled, the event will continue running "DEF CON 28 Safe Mode" from August 7-9 (Friday through Sunday) with 101 orientation Thursday - all of it remote. The conference will use the DEF CON Forums to coordinate all the various ways for you to participate. That is where everyone can announce their plans, do signups, post pictures and videos and get people involved.
On August 6th they will open the DEF CON server up for everyone to join and start their con experience!
Date: August 6th - August 9th
Place: Online "Safe Mode"