Financial Services – IoT Discovery and Inventory


Financial services organizations struggle to obtain continuous visibility over all IoT devices in their environment, increasing their cyberattack exposure.

IoT devices


of IoT devices in financial services organizations are unknown to IT teams

Manual, time-consuming inventory management

20 hrs

per week on average spent by financial services IT teams on asset discovery and inventory management

Asset analysis time before incident response initiation

10-15 hrs

average number of hours spent analyzing assets before financial services IT teams can proceed with incident response


With Cylera, financial services organizations gain real-time visibility and a complete inventory for all their connected IoT devices

Financial services employee using a smart authentication secure access control card reader IoT device, which the Cylera platform can discover, add to the Cylera platform’s IoT asset inventory, and then monitor in real time for device utilization and cybersecurity vulnerabilities and risks
Real-time Inventory for All Financial IoT Assets
“Cylera has revolutionized our approach to IoT asset management. With their real-time inventory capabilities, we now have complete visibility over all our financial IoT assets. This has significantly enhanced our security posture and operational efficiency.”
Chief Information Officer
Financial Services Company

Take control of your complex financial services IoT infrastructure – see and manage financial services IoT assets in real time

Known, Unknown, and Banned Device Identification

Cylera Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology dynamically captures financial services IoT devices, including new, previously unknown, or banned IoT assets, without requiring protocol retooling.

A financial services industry IT security analyst viewing a computer monitor to see the new, unknown, and unauthorized IoT devices the Cyler platform has identified in real time using Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology.
Screenshot Inventory Known Unknown Ident 4
Screenshot Inventory Known Unknown Ident 4
A financial services industry IT security analyst using Cylera’s platform to monitor their IoT and IT asset inventory in real time using multiple computer screens.

Continuous Device Visibility

Cylera provides comprehensive visibility and context into all connected devices within a financial institution’s network, including IT, IoT, and building management systems in real time. Instantly track every IoT device and operating system. Avoid outdated or incomplete asset inventory records.

Deep Device Intelligence

Cylera creates a comprehensive record for every financial services IoT device, including manufacturer, model, serial number, operating system, software firmware, vendor, network services, SBoM attributes, connectivity, usage, and more.

Close-up of a financial services industry IT employee’s hands typing on a keyboard while using Cylera’s platform to view a detailed record of connected IoT assets, which includes information about device manufacturer, firmware, network services, and more.
Screenshot Inventory Deep Device Intel 2
Screenshot Inventory Deep Device Intel 2
A financial services industry IT security employee and physical security employee reviewing live CCTV footage and also viewing IoT devices that are part of the building management and building security systems that the Cylera platform has discovered and assessed for cyber vulnerabilities and risks.
Screenshot Inventory Trafficinspection And Assess 3
Screenshot Inventory Trafficinspection And Assess 3

Continuous Real-time Monitoring

Cylera provides real-time visibility and monitoring for all IoT devices within financial services organizations. Agentless and passive, Cylera’s mutli-source deep packet inspection (DPI) technology supports complete finance IoT asset discovery, categorization, inventory, and telemetry.

Explore More Use Cases

Icon for Real-time IoT Asset Inventory
Real-time IoT Asset Inventory
Icon for Dynamic IoT Security Monitoring
Dynamic IoT Security Monitoring
Icon for Efficient IoT Threat Response
Efficient IoT Threat Response
Icon for Streamlined Risk Mitigation
Streamlined Risk Mitigation
Icon for Audit Readiness and Compliance Support
Audit Readiness and Compliance Support
Icon for IoT Data Analytics and Reporting
IoT Data Analytics and Reporting
Cylera's healthcare IoT inventory visibility solutions
Real-time IoT Asset Inventory
Automate IoT Visibility, Discovery, and Inventory
Get continuous visibility and deep intelligence for all of your connected IoT devices.
Command Threat Detail
Dynamic IoT Security Monitoring
Identify IoT Vulnerabilities and Active Threats
Automatically identify new and unknown IoT devices for vulnerabilities and monitor all communications for anomalous behavior and active exposures.
Healthcare IoT and IoMT Audit--readiness.
Efficient IoT Threat Response
Smart IoT Threat Prioritization for Efficient Response
Machine learning (ML) powered alert reduction and accurate risk scoring enables teams to more efficiently take prioritized and decisive actions.
Healthcare IoT and IoMT Risk Management.
Streamlined Risk Mitigation
Improve the Security Posture of IoT Devices
Identify vulnerabilities and at-risk IoT devices, then quickly determine where to take action based on risk scoring.
Command Risk Detail
Audit Readiness and Compliance Support
Expedite Audits and Preempt Delays and Violations
Centralize IoT inventory, risk, threat, and remediation data to help support compliance process evidence, documentation, and auditing.
Command DSPT Cyber Alerts
IoT Data Analytics and Reporting
Flexible Dashboards, Alerting, Reporting, and Data Exchange
Enable different users and departments to optimize IoT resources and enhance tool capabilities by leveraging robust IoT security and usage data.

Discovery and Inventory Related Resources

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IT Operations
IT Operations
IT Operations

See the Difference

Schedule a personalized demo with an expert to see how Cylera can meet your needs.