
Cylera Platform Executive Brief

Healthcare delivery organizations are the focus of sophisticated attacks targeting healthcare IoT  devices, which include both connected medical devices used for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment, as well as IoT devices, such as smart TVs, security cameras and uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs). Adversaries seek to penetrate networks, access protected data, and disrupt patient care and services.

The Cylera platform provides a powerful, cutting-edge medial IoT asset intelligence and cybersecurity solution to fortify care delivery and protect connected healthcare environments.

Healthcare delivery organizations across the globe use Cylera to

  • Achieve healthcare IoT and connected medical device visibility
  • Identify and resolve healthcare IoT and connected medical device security issues faster and more efficiently
  • Reduce their cyber breach risk.
  • Accelerate healthcare IoT cybersecurity program maturity

Download the Cylera Platform Executive Brief to learn how to fortify your healthcare infrastructure against modern cyber threats.